
Versailles Church of Christ
108 Murray Street, Versailles Kentucky 40383


Jul 31 2024


6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

VBS: “Inside and Out of the Bible!!“ Cookout

Mark your calendars for July 28-31. These are the dates for our VBS this year.

The title of this year’s VBS is “Inside and Out of the Bible!!“. Come join JoyAngerFearDisgust, as well as some new emotions who will share some Bible stories about how we should respond to our emotions in difficult times.

We would like to invite you and your family to join us for VBS this year. We will be joined by some very special guests as we look at some different Bible stories and the different emotions that we all have. We hope to let kids know that their emotions are a blessing from the Lord and that there is a Christ-like way in which we can deal with these emotions.

There will be classes for all ages. Kids are encouraged to wear comfortable clothes as we will have some outside activities (weather permitting).

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